Citizen Complaint Policy and Submission Form

Citizen Complaint Policy

Harnett County is committed to providing the highest quality services to its citizens and visitors. We take pride in providing services that meet the needs of our community and we welcome your constructive comments, feedback, and input to ensure we are doing the best job possible.

Complaint processing procedures received by the Human Resources Department are as follows:

  • Complaints and concerns regarding a Harnett County employee shall be made in writing by completing and submitting the below Citizen Complaint Form. Any complaints regarding a Harnett County Sheriff’s Office employee must be filed in accordance with the Sheriff’s complaint process which can be found at
  • Citizens must provide their name and contact information. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted and reviewed by the County.
  • Citizen complaints which may involve less serious matters are forwarded to the respective department director and the employee’s supervisor for investigation.
  • Citizen complaints which allege criminal violations or other substantial violations shall be forwarded to the County’s Legal Department who will conduct an investigation. The Legal Department may, as necessary, refer complaints of alleged criminal activity to law enforcement.
  • Supervisors receiving a complaint in person will request the citizen to document the complaint on the below Citizen Complaint Form.
  • When applicable, the supervisor receiving the complaint may attempt to resolve citizens’ concerns by informing them of departmental policies or other applicable justifications of the employee’s actions during the initial contact with the complainant; however, a complaint will still be filed pursuant to departmental policy.
  • Upon completion of the investigation of a citizen complaint or concern, the Human Resources Department and the Legal Department will review the findings and make final determination as to the validity of the complaint. Any disciplinary action taken against a member of the department will be kept confidential as required by state personnel records law.

Reports of criminal activity in the community should be reported directly to law enforcement.

Harnett County welcomes all comments on matters of public concern. Inappropriate content, including but not limited to profanity or personal attacks, will be disregarded.

Submission Form

Please enter your information request into the form below. Spaces marked with an asterisk (*) are required for proper processing.

Your Name *
Telephone *
Email Address *
Subject *
Message *
Validation *