- The County’s Assessment is based on the last general countywide revaluation, which was effective January 1, 2022 and is, derived from market/sales data available at that time.
- North Carolina General Statute 105-287 indicates that a change in value may be made only to correct a clerical or mathematical error, to correct an appraisal error resulting from a misapplication of the approved Schedule of Values, or to correct values resulting from a Conservation or Preservation agreement. Statute also allows a change in the property’s value as a result of a physical change to the land or the improvements on the land (other than normal depreciation) or changes in the legally permitted use of the property.
- Per statute, assessed values are not adjusted for normal physical depreciation of improvements. Nor are they adjusted for inflation, deflation, or other economic changes affecting the county in general or by betterments to the property made by repainting buildings/structures, terracing or other methods of soil conservation, landscape gardening, protecting forests against fire, or impounding water on marshland for non-commercial purposes to preserve or enhance the natural habitat of wildlife.
- An increase or decrease in the appraised value made under this section is effective as of January 1 of the year in which it is made and is not retroactive.