The Harnett County Soil and Water Conservation District is a subdivision of State Government. The purpose of the District is to work towards conserving water quality, preventing soil erosion, protecting and improving water resources, promoting and encouraging sound conservation practices by providing information and technical assistance to agricultural producers and landowners within the District.
The Harnett Soil and Water Conservation District's Board of Supervisors and staff take great pride in working within the Soil and Water partnership to promote voluntary, incentive-driven resource management along with providing conservation education to both youth and adults to foster an appreciation of our County's abundant natural resources.
The Soil and Water Conservation District operations are directed by a Board of five Members, of which three are Elected Officials; and two are appointed by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission. All positions on the District Board are non-partisan.
Harnett County is fortunate to have a Board of Supervisors composed of dedicated members with agricultural experience and knowledge essential to conserving our County's soil and water resources.
Jeff Turlington, Chairman
Gerald Temple, Vice-Chair
Kent Revels, Secretary/Treasurer
Ryan Patterson
James Michael Byrd
District Staff:
- Lynn Lambert, Natural Resources Director/Conservation Education Coordinator - Mark Walton, Natural Resource Conservationist - Mitchell Womack, Agriculture Cost Share Technician - Morgan Pope, Administrative Specialist and Keep Harnett Beautiful Coordinator.
- Darryl Harrington, Supervisory Soil Conservationist (Team 12) - Emma Westbrook, Soil Conservationist