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A. I must complete a residential land use application and a septic check list application and bring it in with a proposed site plan and deed or offer to purchase. (see Residential Land Use Application under Central Permitting Applications)

B. I must submit my building plans for review by the Building Codes Administrator. (see New Home Instruction Sheet under Information & How To)

C. I must fill out a residential building application & purchase the necessary permits to build the home. (see Building Application under Central Permitting Applications)

A. I must get a zoning permit or letter of approval from Angier, Coats, Dunn, Erwin or Lillington municipality.

B. I must apply for a septic system inspection by submitting a proposed site plan to Central Permitting with the required letter/zoning permit and complete the necessary Municipalities Application. (see Application for Permits in Town Zoning under Central Permitting Applications).

C. I must purchase the necessary permits from Central Permitting for building in Coats. (see Residential Building Application under Central Permitting Applications).

D. I must get building permits from Angier, Dunn, Lillington or Erwin municipalities after obtaining my septic permit through Central Permitting.

A. I must complete a residential land use application and a septic check list application (if the home has or needs a septic tank) and bring it in with a proposed site plan and deed or offer to purchase if I am not moving to a mobile home park and I am not in a municipality. (see Manufactured Home Permit Instructions under Information & How To).

B. I must apply for a Setup permit by bringing in my setup application completed by all of my contractors. (see Manufactured Home Setup Application).

C. I must provide proof of year with setup permit. If buying from an individual, I must provide a moving permit from the county the home is being moved from. If buying from a dealer, I must provide a Form 500 or purchase contract with year.

D. I must purchase permits for the home after everything is approved.

A. I must complete the residential land use application or the municipalities application and also complete a septic check list. (see Central Permitting Applications).

B. Or I must submit a miscellaneous septic application with a septic check list then uncover existing tank lid for inspection. (see Environmental Health Applications section).

A. I need to supply a zoning permit for Coats to purchase a plumbing permit from Central Permitting (see Individual Trade Permit Application under Central Permitting Application).

B. If I am in Angier, Dunn, Lillington, or Erwin zoning, take a copy of the plumbing permit from the town directly to Public Utilities to purchase the tap there. I do not need to go to Central Permitting.

B. I must complete a Harnett County Residential Water/Sewer User Agreement application and bring it in with a deed or offer to purchase and a copy of my drivers license to purchase the tap at Central Permitting if water is available to the parcel. (see Public Utilities section for application).