Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee

The Harnett County Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee consults with and serves in an advisory capacity to County staff and the Harnett County Board of Commissioners in matters affecting recreation and special events throughout the County.

The Committee has nine members and shall consist of one member from each of the five voting districts, with the remainder being chosen at large. Committee members will serve three-year terms and may serve up to two consecutive terms. If a vacancy shall occur on the Committee, the position shall be filled by application to the Parks and Recreation staff. Parks and Recreation staff members shall serve as liaisons to the Committee.

Meetings Schedule:

Second Tuesday of Every Other Month at 6 PM
January, March, May, July, September, and November


First Floor Training Room of the Harnett County Resource Center & Library
455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC 27546

Current Members

Brooks Matthews, Ex-Officio

District 1:   Vacant

District 2:   John Ericson

District 3:   Ron Avery

District 4:   Sheveil Harmon, Chair

District 5:   Brenden MacDonald

At-Large:    Allan Campbell

At-Large:   Timothy Lisk

At-Large:   Derek McLean

At-Large:   Vacant


Committee Applications - *All interested parties can click HERE to print off an application for submission, or can stop by the Harnett County Resource Center & Library to receive an application between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Completed applications can be mailed in to PO Box 816, Lillington, NC, 27546 or hand-delivered to the Harnett County Resource Center & Library building at 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC 27546.

Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Bylaws

Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Application

Harnett County Commissioner Districts Map